Great post on Jerry Daniels Blog

Peter Alcibiades palcibiades-first at
Thu May 6 10:08:10 EDT 2010

It is an interesting and thought provoking posting, agreed.  It makes the
case that there is a large opportunity from getting firmly inside the Apple
camp, and a lot of people agree with this.   And it suggests that this is
increasingly going to be a decision not about mobile, with the Apple desktop
remaining as is.  It suggests that the model is going to spread to the Apple
desktop in the near future, and this seems plausible.

The more walled this Apple camp becomes, and the more it includes all Apple
platforms, the more of a binary decision it becomes.  The harder it becomes
for a small business to be in that camp and in the other two (Linux and
Windows), because the less economies of scale there are from being in all of
them together.  The effect is that you don't get to leverage your investment
in Apple in other markets.  Which probably makes sense to Apple, and it may
then make sense to the smaller business to just give up the other markets
and get into the Apple camp.

Consider it from the point of view of someone not in the Apple camp, having
no intention of going anywhere near it.  Some of us left that country years
ago and are never going back.  We don't use Apple stuff, we don't write for
it.  For good or bad reasons, one can argue, but that's the way it is.  So
where, if Jerry is right, does that leave us, if Rev decides to bite the
bullet and move in?

Probably out in the cold.  Its hard to believe there will be enough
resources to do all platforms.  Its also hard to believe that Apple really
wants there to be a genuine cross platform product, and Apple can dictate
exactly what you can develop for it on, any of it, in the medium term.  So
Rev may find itself faced with an awkward choice:  dump Linux, or dump

Jerry's argument is, by implication, the rewards are with Apple.  Maybe so,
intelligent people can argue both sides of the costs benefits and
likelihoods.   What seems certain is that if this is the choice, we Linux
users of Rev are going to get squeezed out.  And this is not a trivial
tradeoff as it was a year or so ago, because now its also we developers for
Android who will get squeezed out as well.  Now that is a real tradeoff and
it gets to be bet the company time.  Not just for Rev, for the small
developers too.
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