AW: need advice for keeping file flags in a zip
Bob Sneidar
bobs at
Tue May 4 13:26:26 EDT 2010
My gut feeling is that because zipping and unzipping files do not literally move the files, but rather create new copies of the original, it would be up to the zip application developer to reset flags to the original file's state. The OS is doing exactly what it is being told to do by the Zip application, and that is to create a file, and then write stuff to it. If you think about it for a moment, what would happen if the OS was told to create a new file with the locked attribute on, and then told to write data to it? Why, the OS would say, "Sorry chum, can't do that. You see, it's locked."
On May 4, 2010, at 3:47 AM, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:
> Hello,
> after another Test, Thierry could reproduce the described behaviour that you
> can't keep the locked flag (uchg) of a file when zipping it with PKzip. So
> perhaps anybody can confirm either if it is a standard behavior/feature of
> OSX 10.5/10.6 or it's a bug of OSX? Because I don't find any hints
> googeling, I almost think it is standard, but why?
> Test:
> A folder containing a file with the locked flag.
> Zipping it, e.g: ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc SrcFolder
> Unzipping it and the locked flag is gone
> Thanks
> Tiemo
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