downladed stack is not being actually saved

Nicolas Cueto niconiko at
Mon Mar 15 22:48:59 EDT 2010


Well, I've given up and now humbly ask the list for help.

I'm scripting an automated stack-update function. Problem is, the
downloaded stack only seems to overwrite the local stack. I mean, I
can "see" the download progress, and afterwards the "new" stack's
Windows modification-date changes, but the customprop in which its
version number is stored remains the same.

Here in essence are the two main parts of my script.

First, the "check for update" part:

on setUp
   start using stack "MyMainstack"
   put "stack1,stack1.rev" & cr & "stack2,stack2.rev" into tStackFiles
   set the stackFiles of "MyMainstack" to tStackFiles
   put "stack1" into tStackToCheckForUpdate
   put the cpVersionNumber of stack tStackToCheckForUpdate into
   put <a retrieved value> into tLatestVersionNumber
   if tStacksVersionNumber <> tLatestVersionNumber then
      ## Download latest stack.
      put tStackToCheckForUpdate into gStackToUpdate
      modal "stack update MyMainstack"
   end if
   open stack tStackToCheckForUpdate
   hide stack "MyMainStack"
end setUp

Second, the "stack download and save" part:

on downloadRoutine
   put URLStatus(pUrl) into tStatus
   switch tStatus
      case word 1 of tStatus = "cached"
         ## Save the downloaded stack.
         put gSaveStackDirectory & gStackToUpdate & ".rev" into tSaveasPath
         set the lockMessages to true
         go invisible URL pUrl
         set the visible of stack gStackToUpdate to true
         save stack gStackToUpdate as tSaveasPath
         close stack gStackToUpdate
         set the lockMessages to false
         unload URL pUrl
   end switch
end downloadRoutine

Once the modal stack closes, the "setUp" script above continues and
opens up the supposedly newer stack.

The only thing I could think of is that because I'm using "set the
stackFiles", and because the local and downloaded stacks have the same
name, the "save stack" command is re-saving the local stack. So, I
relocated that part of "on setUp" to after the "modal stack" call. No
luck, though.

What have I overlooked here?

Thank you.

Nicolas Cueto

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