Windows Portable???
Richmond Mathewson
richmondmathewson at
Mon Mar 8 13:16:28 EST 2010
On 08/03/2010 19:56, Lynn Fredricks wrote:
>> I actually liked the U3 idea, because it let developers
>> safely allow installs on removable media so they could be
>> used anywhere. It's all about DRM.
One can also do the same sort of thing with a Live Linux USB containing
the 'normal'
RunRev for Linux version on it.
This has, to my mind, a significant advantage over the U3 - Windows
idea, in that,
RunRev Studio or Enterprise for Linux can spin off a Windows standalone,
but the
OS on the USB key will not be prone to Windows viruses.
The silly thing is that Apple have been "funny" about a bootable USB
version of
Mac OS X.
It should be comparatively easy to build a Mac OS 9 bootable CD with the
Mac OS Classic RunRev on it; but one rather wonders why one would bother.
>> At Revcon II there was a guy from the company that gave a a
>> half hour demonstration. Lynn, you were there.
> Yes, indeed - I invited them :-)
>> I immediately lost interest when it was announced to be a
>> "windows only"
>> feature. Judging by the number of Power/Macbooks in the
>> crowd, I wasn't alone.
>> It was an odd moment of Rev promoting a platform-specific feature.
Well (b*tchy moment coming up), as quite a few features that function
better in the
Mac and Win versions of the current RunRev version one could say the
same thing
vis-a-vis Mac/Win versus Linux.
One could also point out (and I can tell you that I do NOT like
Windows), that whatever
Mac and Linux devotees feel, Windows IS the dominant OS at the moment;
and as
the folks at Runtime Revolution have to fill their fridges, pay bills,
and so forth, it
would be very odd indeed if they didn't take that into account.
I merrily pump out Windows standalones of my Devawriter, and, surprise,
that is the version that is downloaded most. Frankly I would be a
'silly prune' not
to release a Windows build just because I don't like Windows - I want to
empower and enable as many people as I can with my little thing.
I DO SO WISH I could release a Linux version, but, until the font problem is
sorted out that is out of the question. Most unfortunate.
> That's true - but consider also that it wouldn't be in Runtime's interest to
> narrow all promotion to the cross-platform message. Cross platform is a key
> product feature of Revolution, and it does it so very well. But if you are
> also developing only for one platform that isnt the Mac, it shouldn't be
> dismissed either as a solution.
> There are Windows focused developers out there that have a negative gut
> reaction (still) with products tightly associated with Mac. Whatever your
> feelings about them, they still use the same type of currency as other OS
> users :-)
Yup, Bulgaria is full of them.
> One of the things I am very pleased about with releases after Revolution 3
> was that Rev wasn't so tightly associated with the Mac. The more units that
> sell, the better funded all Revolution development is.
It really doesn't do RunRev's claim to be "cross-platform" much good to be
tightly associated with any particular operating system . . .
This is why I believe that a spot more work on the Linux version would also
send a useful message :)
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