Comma-delimited values

Gregory Lypny gregory.lypny at
Mon Mar 8 12:44:25 EST 2010

Hello everyone,

I'm creating an app that imports comma-delimited tables.  A few lines might look like this, where there are 14 items per line.

"Mon, Jan 18 , 2010",9:14 AM,130557,4319,Trade,Buy,X,135,8.25,10,-82.5,1417.5,20,10
"Mon, Jan 18 , 2010",9:14 AM,130558,4371,Accept,Your ASK,X,135,8.25,10,82.5,1582.5,0,10

My problem is that Rev treats each date in quotes as three items rather than one.  I convert the comma delimiters to tab by setting the itemDelimiter to comma and then running the lines through nested repeat-for-each loops as

repeat for each line thisLine in dataTable
repeat for each item thisItem in thisLine
put thisItem & tab after newLine
end repeat
-- more stuff here
end repeat

I end up with

"Mon	(as the first item)
Jan 18	(as the second)
2010"	(as the third)

Any suggestions as how I might get the date treated as one item?



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