How to launch an application (like "word" from a stack?

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Jun 18 12:17:46 EDT 2010

Peter Brigham MD wrote:
> Hmm... On my system (MacBook, OSX 10.5.8, Rev Studio 4.0.0-gm-1, build 
> 950) the following works fine:
>    launch "/Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft Word"
> whereas
>    launch "/Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft"
> does not work. In the Finder on my Mac, the MSWord application does not 
> have the ".app" suffix, so I would have been surprised if using 
> "/Microsoft" had worked, since it doesn't correspond to an 
> identifiable file on my drive.

I'm sure the ".app" suffix is there, OS X needs it. The Finder has an 
option to hide extensions though, and probably that's set on your Mac. I 
think hiding them is the default setting; I always change it back to 
show extensions. But I'm not sure why you can't launch Word when you do 
include it, since it certainly exists on the file bundle. I wouldn't 
think Rev would discriminate between file names based on the user's 
visual view.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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