Hiliting Words in a Field

Peter Brigham MD pmbrig at gmail.com
Tue Jun 8 11:01:18 EDT 2010

On Jun 7, 2010, at 5:10 PM, Jan Schenkel wrote:

> --- On Mon, 6/7/10, Gregory Lypny <gregory.lypny at videotron.ca> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I have a data field with many lines and I'd like to script
>> a handler that hilites every appearance of a particular word
>> in yellow?
>> Regards,
>> Gregory
> It depends a bit on your definition of the term 'word' in this  
> context.
> The straightforward solution is to do a replace in the htmlText of  
> the field, wrapping it with a font tag - but this simply hilites  
> every occurence of the search string, rather than the whole word:
> ##
> put the htmlText of field "Data" into tHtmlText
> replace "foo" \
>    with "<font bgcolor=" & quote & "yellow & quote & ">foo</font>" \
>    in tHtmlText
> set the htmlText of field "Data" to tHtmlText
> ##
> If you're looking to hilite only complete words, your best option is  
> the wordOffset function and a loop:
> ##
> put the text of field 1 into tText
> set the wholeMatches to true
> put wordOffset(tWordToFind, tText) into tWordOffset
> put 0 into tPrevOffset
> repeat until tWordOffset = 0
>  add tWordOffset to tPrevOffset
>  set the backgroundColor of word tPrevOffset of field 1 to "yellow"
>  put wordOffset(tWordToFind, tText, tPrevOffset) into tWordOffset
> end repeat
> ##
> If you leave the 'wholeMatches' local property at its default value  
> of 'false' the above script hilites the entire word, if part of it  
> matches tWordToFind.
> HTH,
> Jan Schenkel

Try something like this:

on mouseUp
    put fld "text" into tText
    put "the" into targetString
    put smartWordOffsets(targetString,tText) into wList
    repeat for each line w in wList
       set the backcolor of char (item 1 of w) to \
              (item 2 of w) of fld "text" to yellow
       -- or whatever formatting you want to do
    end repeat
end mouseUp

function smartWordOffsets targetString,tText
    -- returns a return-delimited list of chunk data
    -- for matches of targetString in tText:
    -- each line = <startChar>,<endChar>
    put length(targetString) into strLength
    put ".,?!$':;()#" & quote into puncList
    repeat for each char c in puncList
       replace c with space in tText
    end repeat
    -- the above handles the punctuation problem
    put offsets(targetString,tText) into offsList
    put empty into wList
    repeat for each item j in offsList
       put the number of words of char 1 to j of tText \
              into wdNbr
       put word wdNbr of tText into testWd
       if testWd <> targetString then next repeat
       -- whole matches only
       put j & comma & j+strLength-1 & cr after wList
    end repeat
    delete char -1 of wList
    return wList
end smartWordOffsets

function offsets str,cntr
    -- returns a comma-delimited list
    -- of all the offsets of str in cntr
    put "" into mosList
    put 0 into startPoint
       put offset(str,cntr,startPoint) into os
       if os = 0 then exit repeat
       add os to startPoint
       put startPoint & "," after mosList
    end repeat
    if char -1 of mosList = "," then delete last char of mosList
    if mosList = "" then return "0"
    return mosList
end offsets

Despite several repeat loops, this is extremely fast.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at gmail.com

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