WWDC Keynote: HTML5 wide open for On-Rev & revServer

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at gmail.com
Tue Jun 8 03:18:49 EDT 2010

>> We always had cookies which could store small snippets of data locally.
>> Now with HTML5, we also have session storage variables (temporary),
>> local storage variables (permanent) and even SQLite databases.
>> Are you suggesting then, that if I use HTML5 (rodeo) to dynamically create
> several pages of content - whilst online, and those pages were to say
> contain a form that interacted with SQLite, that whilst offline I might be
> able to dynamically interact with SQLite, ie make entries into a field that
> searches the SQLite db and have results dynamically presented to me -
> although the base page template wouldn't change?
> I currently have a postgreSQL db I can access from On-Rev, which is great as
> long as I can connect. Once I loose connection, I can no longer do searches.
> It would be great to be able to push the db data into SQLite on the iPhone,
> be able to continually query it no matter where I am, then purge the data
> when finished.
> Does that sound doable with HTML5 + On-Rev + SQLite + iPhone?

Yes it does. The SQLite database is stored on your device and should
be accessible any time.
You may need to do something with caches & manifests so the page will
operate without a connection, but it is certainly doable.


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