AW: How to launch an app invisible?

Scott Rossi scott at
Fri Jun 4 04:17:01 EDT 2010

Locking the screen only applies to Rev stacks -- this doesn't affect any
non-Rev windows.

You can try running this right before calling your shell command:

 set the hideConsoleWindows to true
 get shell.....

Otherwise, you may have to employ some kind of invisible flag setting in the
shell command which I don't know.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

Recently, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

> Hello,
> the flashing window is still there. My rev launcher app is hidden in
> preopenstack, the launched non-rev-app doesn't have that flashing window
> either. So I think it must be the Windows shell window, which blinks up for
> a moment. I put a lockscreen in the handler with the shell call without
> result. Probably because lockscreen has no effect on the shell. I used the
> same syntax before to call other apps and never had this flashing window, so
> I wonder what makes the difference and what I can do against a flashing
> shell? Any way to hide the shell before it pops up?
> Here is an extract of the code:
> on openStack
>    set the lockscreen to true
>          put appToLaunch into tStart
>          put myTitel into tTitel
>          get shell ("start" && quote & tTitel & quote && quote & tStart)
>    set the lockscreen to false
> end openStack
> Thanks for any idea

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