[RevServer + Rev on Linux] Checking if you have the needed libraries

Andre Garzia andre at andregarzia.com
Wed Jul 28 12:33:42 EDT 2010

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 1:18 PM, Mike Bonner <bonnmike at gmail.com> wrote:

> Out of curiosity, i the case of revserver since self compiling isn't
> an option, would static linking be a bad idea?  Or would it be too
> resource intensive?


I think static linking would make it impossibly big since the shared
libraries have their dependencies as well, if you try to static link
everything up to libC or whatever is the final thing, it can get pretty big.

Also you can't static link under Mac OS X and we know runrev likes to reuse
code. I think static linking is almost never used these days for this kind
of stuff. I've asked them the same thing during the last conference but 3
pints of some IPA prevents me from remembering the specific answer but I
recall it could not be done in a sane way.

http://www.andregarzia.com All We Do Is Code.

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