Regarding Rodeo discussions
Andre Garzia
andre at
Mon Jul 26 13:59:28 EDT 2010
There is a Rodeo list for those interested, I think here they could do
announcements and information regarding "rodeo transfer" but the threads
could then move to the other list or forum. This is being polite to all
non-rodeo users.
>From time to time we discuss and circle around threads here, this is
natural. Current flashy (in a good sense) thing is Rodeo, so even though it
is quicker and easier to just ask Jerry and Sarah question in this list,
people should post to their list instead. This will reduce the noise in here
keeping everyone happy, afteral, signing up with one more list is easy.
I don't think Jerry or Sarah did anything wrong answering questions but if
people start asking questions on the Rodeo list, they will still answer them
and noise here would reduce.
On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 2:51 PM, Lynn Fredricks <
lfredricks at> wrote:
> > > So rodeo could well be just a piece of the revTalk puzzle, like
> > > dataGrids are.. tRev is... and so on.. and have a place here.
> >
> > No. Datagrids and tRev can be used within Rev and become an
> > integral part of the IDE. Rodeo is a non-Rev product that
> > cannot be used with the Rev engine. It is not an adjunct to
> > Rev, and the apps it produces cannot be used with Rev. When
> > it is done reading your stack, its output is no longer a Rev
> > stack. Rodeo can be used by anyone without needing a copy of
> > the Rev engine, and the only connection it has with Rev
> > stacks is that it can read them and turn them into something else.
> I haven't been keeping as close of track of Rodeo as others have - but if
> Rodeo takes Rev stacks and exports them as HTML 5, then Id say it does have
> a significant role in the Rev universe. That does enable a very desirable
> feature, and that could easily make the difference between a sale and a
> non-sale for Revolution.
> With our Valentina or Franklin 3D, what interfaces with Rev is what we talk
> about, or what the value proposition is for Rev users. I wouldn't send out
> posts about handling BLOBs with Director on the Rev list.
> Maybe its just a matter of trusting Jerry and Sarah, knowing this is an
> issue for some, make sure posts are at least somewhat relevant to Rev users
> and the rest of us not sweating the small stuff.
> Best regards,
> Lynn Fredricks
> President
> Paradigma Software
> Valentina SQL Server: The Ultra-fast, Royalty Free Database Server
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