(data grid) Can't get the text selected in the Edit Field When It Opens
Andre.Bisseret at inria.fr
Wed Jul 21 08:08:26 EDT 2010
Le 20 juil. 10 à 17:35, Trevor DeVore a écrit :
> I just created a new data grid in 4.5, created a column, customized
> it using the "+" button in the prop inspector, edited the behavior,
> added your code and it worked.
Le 20 juil. 10 à 19:48, Trevor DeVore a écrit :
> I would check as to whether or not you are editing the script that
> is assigned as the behavior for the column or the default column
> behavior.
Bonjour Trevor,
Thanks for your reply.
I tried your recipe above on a new stack and it worked too.
Also, I tried on another new stack a datagrid without any template stack
- copy group "DataGrid" of group "Templates" of stack
"revDataGridLibrary" to this card
then created a button "My default column behavior
set the script of btn "My default column behavior" to the script of
button "Default Column" of stack "revDataGridLibrar
set the dgProps["default column behavior"] of group "MyDataGrid" to
the long id of btn "My default column behavior
and added the line " set the dgTemplateFieldEditor["select text"] of
the dgControl of me to true" in the command EditValue
It works as expected. (the advantage is that it'is working for all
Then, I tried on my real stack (a clone of it ;-) where I have 12 data
grids on 12 cards without any template stack.
created a button "My default column behavior", edited the command
"EditValue" and set the dgProp["default column behavior"] of the
datagrid of this cd to the long id of the button
Now, that works on the first card I am doing that :-)))
I tried to put "My default column behavior" button in the group which
is shared by each card of my stack : then does not work
I tried to set the dgProp["default column behavior"] of the datagrid
of another card to the log id of the behavior button of the first
card : does not work
Currently, I am trying to copy/paste the button on each card,
assigning it to the datagrid of the card :
result : works well on certain cards: the text of the edit field is
selected when opened, and this for any columns
BUT doen't work on other cards!!!
Very strange! (all my card are identical (same layout, same objects,
same scripts etc, only the content changes)
Any idea on what could make this difference between the dataGrids
which are on the different cards?
Best regards
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