RunRev Script Editor and Linux

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Jul 13 16:38:56 EDT 2010

Richmond wrote:

> I have had no difficulty copy-pasting between scripts when I COULD 
> select text; and I have
> now isolated the incidence when one CANNOT copy text from the Script 
> editor (or at
> least one incidence):
> When Mozilla ThunderBird (my e-mail client) is running prior and during 
> launching of RunRev
> I am unable to select text in the script editor; therefore unable to 
> paste it anywhere.

That seems really bizarre. The script editor is just a field. Can you 
select text in other fields in your stack when Thunderbird is running?

At least we're narrowing down the issue.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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