WAV without QT revisited

Scott Rossi scott at tactilemedia.com
Fri Jul 9 16:44:16 EDT 2010

Recently, spencerlearning wrote:

> Back in November, Richard Gaskin
> http://runtime-revolution.278305.n4.nabble.com/WAV-without-QT-td786452.html#a7
> 86455
> asked :
> I just tried playing a WAV file on a Win XP system which doesn't have
> QuickTime. No go.  MP3 played well, but I couldn't get the WAV file to play.
> ...
> Anyone know a workaround to get WAVs playing and to play at specific
> points on Win systems without QT?

Maybe using revBrowser & Flash.  I don't believe you can do this without
using QT and a player object.

> Now I am wondering, what is the point of the dontUseQT property? Does it
> work well with anything?

This is for disabling the use of QT on Windows if QT is present on the
system (mostly for testing purposes).

> Are there any new answers on playing external audio files on Rev without
> Quicktime? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Don't think so.  Regarding external WAV playback, a semi-workaround I used
was to make a substack whose sole purpose is act as a WAV player: import a
WAV into the substack, play the WAV, then delete the imported file.  There
is no control over playback other than start (from the beginning of the
file) and stop (I faked an elapsed time display by using a separate timer
script).  As far as I know, this is still the sad state of affairs with

Note that Lynn Fredricks and company may be working on an enhanced audio


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

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