Problem with script working in IDE but not in Standalone studio 4
Jim Ault
jimaultwins at
Sat Jul 3 11:22:55 EDT 2010
Rather than ask you several questions about your design and scripting,
why not try this approach and see if the answer comes to light.
Save a copy of your stack as 'whateverTheName2.rev'
Add one field to the card (assuming your stack only has one card) and
name it "eventLog"
Add a line to each IF branch as follows:
> On CloseField
> if the highlight of button "Nominal" of group "Dive_Plan" then
> put fld "Depth" & "m" into fld "Image_Depth"
put "1" && the short name of me & cr after fld eventLog
> else
> put fld "Depth_B" & "m" into fld "Image_Depth"
put "2" && the short name of me & cr after fld eventLog
> end if
> end CloseField
> on CloseField
> if the highlight of button "Nominal" of group "Dive_Plan" then
> put Nom_Stop & return into fld "Image_18m"
put "3" && the short name of me & cr after fld eventLog
> else
> put Back_Stop into fld "Image_18m"
put "4" && the short name of me & cr after fld eventLog
> end if
> end CloseField
Now when you trigger the scripts you will know which ones fire, which
branch and in which order.
Try it in the development environment (IDE) and in the compiled app.
This could give you the clue you need.
Hope this helps.
Jim Ault
Las Vegas
On Jul 3, 2010, at 4:42 AM, Steve King wrote:
> Hi
> I have a button scrip that did work in standalone, and always works
> in the
> IDE but now will not work in the standalone!
> The card has several fields in two sets that take action when data is
> entered, fields are set so that retunr gives Close Field message.
> I then have a radio button that selects either set 1 or set 2
> fields, Each
> of the two buttons has the same script (below) that simply sends
> CloseField
> to each of the fields so that they update themselves.
> on mouseUp
> send CloseField to fld "18m"
> send CloseField to fld "15m"
> send CloseField to fld "12m"
> send CloseField to fld "9m"
> send CloseField to fld "6m"
> send CloseField to fld "3m"
> send CloseField to fld "ABT"
> send CloseField to fld "ABT_B"
> send CloseField to fld "RNT"
> send CloseField to fld "RNT_B"
> send CloseField to fld "Depth"
> send CloseField to fld "Depth_B"
> end mouseUp
> It works fine in the IDE but will not work when in a Standalone.
> Oddly, the
> Flds "18m" though to "3m" do seem to work, the others don't!
> For info script of fld "BT" is (which doesn't update fld "Image_depth"
> On CloseField
> if the highlight of button "Nominal" of group "Dive_Plan" then
> put fld "Depth" & "m" into fld "Image_Depth"
> else
> put fld "Depth_B" & "m" into fld "Image_Depth"
> end if
> end CloseField
> And script of fld "18m" is (which does update fld "Image_18m)
> on CloseField
> if the highlight of button "Nominal" of group "Dive_Plan" then
> put Nom_Stop & return into fld "Image_18m"
> else
> put Back_Stop into fld "Image_18m"
> end if
> end CloseField
> Anyone seen this before and have any suggestions??
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