sleep mode

Bob Sneidar bobs at
Mon Jan 25 11:53:34 EST 2010

It's my understanding that the system will issue a sleep command that gets sent to all running applications. I believe applications can reject the sleep command (a practice frowned upon for obvious reasons), much like an application can be told to quit by the system in the process of shutting down, and if it refuses, the system will abort the shutdown. 

The real question is, does Revolution refuse to allow the machine to sleep when told? Or am I wrong about this? 


On Jan 24, 2010, at 10:40 AM, Peter Brigham MD wrote:

> Anyone know what happens when a handler is in the middle of a long repeat loop and a laptop user closes up and the machine goes into sleep mode? I am assuming that iteration stops and nothing is saved. Is there a system message that can to trapped to save the execution contexts, or whatever? I'd like to be able to resume what was happening when the machine went to sleep, but I don't know if this is possible.
> -- Peter

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