FTP listing using "libURLftpCommand"

Jim Ault jimaultwins at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 19 04:43:15 EST 2010

n Jan 19, 2010, at 12:35 AM, stephen barncard wrote:

> Thanks for responding, Dave.  I get it now. Ok so I have to apply  
> some kind
> of logic and recover the year.....(over the threshold)
> --    Stephen Barncard

I would strategize using a cgi stack to look a the folders that would  
be local to it, therefore it can return the detailed info about the  
drive it resides on.

Now you would ping an irev script, or a cgi, that returned what you  
wanted in the format you wanted, including filtered lists and  
directory walking (recursion).

I plan to do this in the next  few weeks as my new project will be  
uploading and moving files around on several web servers.

Of course I will also make a webPageThatShowsDirInfo.html (or .php)  
for each server to document which folder/folder/files I have in order  
to do batch updates and purges.  I will probably add a button to the  
page so that it will send me an email with its current data.

If  you do this, it will be interesting to see your solution vs the  
one I will be tweaking over the next couple years.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

On Jan 19, 2010, at 12:35 AM, stephen barncard wrote:

> Thanks for responding, Dave.  I get it now. Ok so I have to apply  
> some kind
> of logic and recover the year.....(over the threshold)
> -------------------------
> Stephen Barncard
> 2010/1/18 Dave Cragg <dave.cragg at lacscentre.co.uk>
>> On 19 Jan 2010, at 00:45, stephen barncard wrote:
>>> Thanks...this sort of works.....  the example needs to use the URL
>> keyword
>>> though
>>> put URL ("ftp://user:pass@host.com/directory/") into theListOfFiles
>>> this does list ok, similar listing to the HTTP method, however the  
>>> dates
>> in
>>> the listing are not consistent.
>>> drwxr-x---   21 sbarncar 99           4096 Dec 31 03:03 .
>>> drwx--x--x   15 sbarncar sbarncar     4096 Jan 15 01:51 ..
>>> -rw-r--r--    1 sbarncar sbarncar        0 Dec 30 12:06 .htaccess
>>> drwxr-xr-x    2 sbarncar sbarncar     4096 Jul 11  2009 .smileys
>>> drwxr-xr-x   12 sbarncar sbarncar     4096 Jun 20  2009 barncard
>>> drwxr-xr-x    2 sbarncar sbarncar     4096 Dec 22 03:35 blasters
>>> Some directories have the year, and some just have the month and  
>>> day. Is
>>> this just the way it is? The year is just not important?
>> This is the standard FTP way. Similar to what the "ls -l" command  
>> returns
>> on Unix-like systems. The year is not shown if the modification  
>> date is
>> within the last six months. Instead the time is shown. Either way,  
>> "word 9
>> of line x of whatever" will return the name of the file.
>> libUrl uses the LIST command internally for ftp directory listings  
>> (or NLST
>> if you do as Jan suggested). It returns exactly what the server  
>> returns.
>> Cheers
>> Dave

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