AnimationEngine and Creating Icons in Photoshop...?

John Patten johnpatten at
Mon Jan 4 22:44:48 EST 2010

DISCLAIMER: This question is targeting Malte Brill and is more Photoshop related then Rev...however I thought it might be useful for others, so here goes...

I've been experimenting with Animation Engine, and have been creating some icons that work as levers, odd shaped dials, etc. etc.

Using some of the nice functions that Malte has created and his excellent examples I can set the icon ID of button to give the illusion of these icons turning. 

However, the hard part seems creating the 360 icon representations for the animations and such. I have access to Adobe CS3 (PS, Fireworks, Illus, etc.) but I'm no expert in any of these apps, especially when it comest to automating processes.

In PhotoShop I can create Actions however, doing something like...create layer, rotate 1 degree, copy layer, repeat, repeat, 360 times, does not seem to be in my range of expertise :-)

Malte, or any of the other graphic experts (Scott R., Richard G.),  Do you have any sites or tips you can point me to for automating the creation of images for animations and icons?

Thank you!

John Patten

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