Time entry
Peter Brigham MD
pmbrig at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 12:41:25 EST 2010
On Feb 22, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:
> ... and clock faces in general don't differentiate between AM and PM
> times....
Here's a modification to handle AM/PM for the mousemove handler in the
clock_behavior button script. What I added or changed is marked with
local oldHour
/*** in addition to existing script locals ***/
on mouseMove X,Y
if not allowDrag then exit mouseMove
/*** start of addition 1 ***/
put word -1 of fld "output" of me into AMorPM
if AMorPM is not in "AM,PM" then
/*** this if statement is only necessary the first time
the handler is run in the revised version
could be taken out after the output fld has
AM or PM in it ***/
put "AM" into AMorPM
end if
if oldHour = empty then
set the itemdelimiter to ":"
put item 1 of fld "output" of me into oldHour
set the itemdelimiter to comma
end if
/*** end of addition 1 ***/
put getAngle(X,Y) into A
put angleToLoc(A,xLoc,yLoc,pRad) into hourLoc
set points of grc "pointer" of me to xLoc,yLoc & cr & hourLoc
put (round((185 - A)*2)div 15)*15 into tMin
put trunc(tMin/60) into tHour
if tHour = 0 then put 12 into tHour
/*** start of addition 2 ***/
if tHour = 12 and oldHour = 11 then
doSwap AMorPM
else if tHour = 11 and oldHour = 12 then
doSwap AMorPM
end if
put tHour into oldHour
/*** end of addition 2 ***/
put tHour & ":" & format("%02s",tMin mod 60) && AMorPM into fld
"output" of me
/*** note addition of "&& AMorPM" in above line ***/
end mouseMove
/*** additional handler
swaps AM and PM, changes the variable AMorPM by reference
on doSwap @AMorPM
put item itemoffset(AMorPM,"PM,AM") of "AM,PM" into AMorPM
end doSwap
> Either way, thanks a lot for the code.
Me too -- very cool implementation, Scott! I'm saving this one.
-- Peter
Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at gmail.com
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