Browser documentation

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Feb 19 16:25:35 EST 2010

Jeff Massung wrote:
> In the browser documentation I see the following line:
> "To prevent the navigatation from occurring, set the global variable
> browserCancel to true."
> Yet that global variable doesn't appear to exist. Am I missing something or
> is the documentation wrong?

It won't exist until you create it, so just declare it somewhere at the 
top of your script. The browser will check to see if there is a global 
variable with that name in the list of declared globals, which there 
won't be until you put it there. Once it is there, then the browser will 
check to see what its value is.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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