SuperDuper textSize property

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Feb 19 15:54:51 EST 2010

DunbarX at wrote:
> Right, but that still leaves me without a native way to set the textStyle, 
> say, to "bold". I have to use a chunk-like expression to do that, not a 
> field-like expression.

Right. I think the closest you'll get for resetting chunks of text in a 
field is:

  set the textstyle of char 1 to -1 of fld x to "plain"

Then reset any other styling. Or do what Jacques suggests and just plunk 
the field contents back into the field, which will remove all styling in 
one fell swoop. If you want all the field text to be bold, of course, 
you can set the textstyle of the field itself to that.

I'm not sure how there could be a field-based property that works 
directly with chunks of the field text. Characters have their own 
styling properties independent of the field's. If no character-based 
styling exists in a chunk, then the text inherits it all the way up the 

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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