stack menu

Peter Brigham MD pmbrig at
Tue Feb 16 23:47:43 EST 2010

On Feb 16, 2010, at 6:37 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

> In my experience stack menus work perfectly UNLESS the height of the  
> stack being poppsed up is greater than the monitor height.
> AFAIK Rev truncates stack rendering to the largest possible size,  
> which will be within the monitor bounds.  But of course some popup  
> stacks may exceed that, so while that limit doesn't affect most  
> things it becomes an error with popup stacks.
> If your stack that's popping up properly is taller than your monitor  
> it would be good to know, so I can update the notes in my bug report.

Ah. I'll try to get some time tomorrow to try it with stackheight >  
screenheight. I'll let you know.

Do you know *when* Rev does the truncation? I've had a problem with  
certain printing stacks -- loaded up invisible or offscreen with  
formatted text fields then printed with "print card from x1,y1 to  
x2,y2 into pRect". I would show them to debug & tweak the text  
formatting, and then I ran into the problem that the stack height was  
clipped at the lower edge of the screen. I took to resizing them every  
time just before printing, but your info here makes me think that it  
was the screen rendering before displaying them that was doing that.  
Is the clipping done when buffering to the screen? Does it happen if  
the stack is opened visible at loc -1000,-1000? Does it happen if  
opened invisible at the screenloc?

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at

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