AW: AW: any known LC bugs with handwriting pen input?
Tiemo Hollmann TB
toolbook at
Thu Dec 23 11:49:18 EST 2010
Labas Viktoras,
perhaps you can test some day a LC program and see, if you can reproduce
this behavior with pen handwriting.
Merry Christmas
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: use-livecode-bounces at [mailto:use-livecode-
> bounces at] Im Auftrag von viktoras didziulis
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2010 15:08
> An: use-livecode at
> Betreff: Re: AW: any known LC bugs with handwriting pen input?
> I just bought new Dell Inspiron Duo netbook-tablet. Looks like "iPad
> killer" - runs "normal" operating systems (I installed both Windows 7
> and Ubuntu), has a dual-core Intel Atom 1.5 GHz CPU, capacitative
> touchscreen (iPad stylus should work too). The 3 main drawbacks - there
> is no output for a second monitor, so now I am looking for USB to HDMI
> converters, you will also need to get an external DVD drive and the 6
> cells batery lasts only about 3 hours and can not be easily replaced
> :-(. Other charactersitics - 2 GB RAM, 320 GB 700 RPM HD.
> One could expect coming more devices like this in near future.
> 2 cents from
> Viktoras
> On 23/12/2010 08:24, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:
> > Hi Chip,
> > yes my customer has a tablet PC.
> > But handwriting recognition is a standard feature of W7. Perhaps I'll
> buy a
> > small graphic tablet trying to reproduce this behavior.
> > Thanks
> > Tiemo
> >
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