varargs best practice?
Jan Schenkel
janschenkel at
Tue Dec 7 03:00:42 EST 2010
--- On Mon, 12/6/10, Mark Wieder <mwieder at> wrote:
> All-
> Does anyone have ideas on a best practice for handling
> variable
> numbers of parameters (as in C varargs)? I have two
> functions and I'd
> like to pass a variable number of parameters (probably no
> more than
> six) to the first function and have it hand them off to the
> second:
> function getString pVerb, pArgs -- pArgs may be many
> parameters
> return doCommand(pVerb, pArgs)
> end getString
> function doCommand pVerb, pArgs
> -- do something with parameters
> -- return something
> end doCommand
> The problem is that only the first argument gets passed to
> the
> doCommand function. If I iterate through the parameters to
> getString
> using paramCount and param(x) then the result gets packaged
> up in
> quotes when it gets handed to doCommand and it becomes one
> parameter.
> I'm about to do something really ugly with the code and
> hoping that
> someone has been through this already and has a nifty way
> of dealing
> with this situation.
> --
> -Mark Wieder
> mwieder at
Why not repackage the additional params as an array, and pass that on to the 'doCommand' handler? The 'doCommand' handler can then check if the second parameter is an array, and if not, check the paramCount for those cases where it is called directly, rather than through the 'getString' function.
Of course, you can always collect the parameters and build a 'do' instruction; I just dropped a button onto a stack and gave it this script:
on mouseUp
answer getString("alpha","beta","gamma")
end mouseUp
function getString pVerb
local tToDo, tParamIndex
put "return doCommand(pVerb" into tToDo
repeat with tParamIndex = 2 to the paramCount
put ",param(" & tParamIndex & ")" after tToDo
end repeat
put ")" after tToDo
do tToDo
end getString
function doCommand pVerb
local tOutput, tParamIndex
put "Hello from doCommand" & return & \
"Verb: " & pVerb & return & \
"Params: "into tOutput
repeat with tParamIndex = 2 to the paramCount
put param(tParamIndex) & "," after tOutput
end repeat
delete char -1 of tOutput
return tOutput
end doCommand
Clicking the button produced an answer box with the text:
Hello from doCommand
Verb: alpha
Params: beta,gamma
So I guess it works :-)
Jan Schenkel.
Quartam Reports & PDF Library for LiveCode
"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time." (La Rochefoucauld)
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