Inserting unicodeText into a unicode string?

Richmond richmondmathewson at
Fri Aug 27 03:17:03 EDT 2010

  On 8/27/10 2:54 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
> Hi Richmond,
> In the openField handler or the selectionChanged handler, you need to add a script, which checks whether the number of chars/bytes before the text insertion point is even. If it isn't, move the insertion point by 1 character/byte.
> <snip

Thanks, But . . .

What I don't know how to do is something like this:

"set the unicodeText of fld "XYZ" to the unicodeText of fld "XYZ" 
beforeChopping & numToChar(5000) & unicodeText of fld "XYZ" afterChopping"
>> [Working on my G4 MacMini at present]
>> So here I am with a long unicodeText string in a field and I want to put some more unicodeText inside it
>> (where I set my cursor) . . .
>> Adding text at the end is easy:
>> Set the unicodeText of fld "XYZ" to the unicodeText of fld "XYZ"&  numToChar(50000)
>> Adding text at the start is easy:
>> Set the unicodeText of fld "XYZ" to numToChar(50000)&  the unicodeText of fld "XYZ"
>> HOWEVER: I want to put my cursor somewhere in the unicodeText in fld "XYZ" and
>> add my numToChar(50000) there . . . .
>> Love, Richmond.
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