Front scripts vs Behaviors
Peter Haworth
pete at
Wed Aug 11 13:01:05 EDT 2010
Thanks Mark. I've read Richard's write up before, very useful.
Maybe if I explain a bit more what I'm trying to achieve. I've
written a development framework for my apps which serves as the
interface between controls on cards and my sqlite database. Groups on
the card are tied to a db table and controls in the group are tied to
columns in the table related to the group. Every time the user
modifies the content of a control, my frontscripts handle the updating
of the database in handlers such as menuPick, closeField, etc.
Sometimes, a specific control may need some "local" logic to handle
things it needs to do other than just updating the db (changing the
contents of another field, recalculate totals, stuff like that). The
front script handlers pass their respective messages on so I can write
that "local" logic as a handler for that specific instance of that
type of control.
If I switch over to behaviors (and I'm inclined to do that) I need a
way to handle this "local" logic since, as you say, the messages wont;
ever make it to the actual control, but I still need the database
update to occur in the behavior. I'm thinking perhaps if I have
handlers in the controls themselves named something like
"localMenuPick" or something similar then have the behavior menuPick
handler send/dispatch a localMenuPick messge to the control, that
might work?
On Aug 11, 2010, at 8:12 AM, use-revolution-request at
> Message: 27
> Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 22:10:09 -0700
> From: Mark Wieder <mwieder at>
> Subject: Re: Front scripts vs Behaviors
> To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution at>
> Message-ID: <136648291062.20100810221009 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Peter-
> Check out Richard Gaskin's writeup on the message path:
> Behavior objects are not at all like frontscripts, but are more like
> local backscripts. That said, it sounds from your description that
> behaviors fit your purposes more than the use of frontscripts does.
> You wouldn't normally pass a message on after a behavior button has
> handled it (or not) because it would be at the end of the message
> path. Behavior objects also allow you to override a default behavior
> when desired.
> --
> -Mark Wieder
> mwieder at
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