Creating a folder using get specialFolderPath

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Mon Aug 9 14:39:33 EDT 2010


It is not entirely clear to me what you want. Why exactly did you choose to glue specialFolderPath("home") and specialFolderPath("asup") together? Have you actually checked what the two return?

Also, you might need to check that folders actually exist. If they don't exist, create them.

set the itemdel to slash
repeat with x = 2 to number of items of myPath
	if not (there is a folder (item 1 to x of myPath)) then
		create folder (item 1 to x of myPath)
	end if
end repeat

Use the above repeat loop with folder paths only. Temporarily remove the file name from the path if necessary.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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On 9 aug 2010, at 18:08, charles61 wrote:

> I have the following handler that creates a text file (list) on the user's
> application support folder on OS X:
> if the platform = "MacOS" then
>      get specialFolderPath("home") & specialFolderPath("asup") &"/" &
> "list"
>      put it into tfilePath
> end if
> I tried the following to create a folder in the user's application support
> folder that would store the text file (list):
> if the platform = "MacOS" then
>      get specialFolderPath("home") & specialFolderPath("asup") &"/" &
> "Student Report" & "/" & "list"
>      put it into tfilePath
> end if
> But it does not work? Any suggestions?

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