Harry Potter's magic button - a solution to another tricky group bug

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Sat Aug 7 15:43:45 EDT 2010

Wilhelm Sanke wrote:

> There seems to be no difference between "boundingrect empty and
> locLocation true" and "boundingrect not empty and lockLocation false",
> the option of "boundingrect not empty and lockLocaction true", which
> would describe the properties of the group as I use it now, is absent in
> the comments.
> I could *not* verify the last sentence of the comments: "If the group is
> a scrolling group, dragging an object in it automatically scrolls the
> group".
> I think this entry for "boundingrect" in the docs needs to be updated,
> too. And I also recommend to change the note for entry "location" to
> "If you want to set the loc of an object inside a group reliably, set
> the boundingrect of the group to the rect of the group".-

The Comments section is open to you as a way to provide the information 
you feel is useful immediately.

For the main dictionary entry, use the Documentation specifier when 
filing the request in the RQCC.

> If the boundingrect of a group is such a powerful property I wonder why
> the default for groups isn't "boundingrect not empty" and is
> automatically set to the coordinates when a group is created or resized ?

It depends what you want to do with the group.  Groups are very dynamic 
by default, adjusting themselves for whatever contents are inside of 
them.  Altering that behavior with the boundingRect is useful for making 
canvas-like regions, but if you're not after a canvas you may prefer the 
default behavior.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
  Rev training and consulting: http://www.fourthworld.com
  Webzine for Rev developers: http://www.revjournal.com
  revJournal blog: http://revjournal.com/blog.irv

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