Copying binary files over a LAN using Rev

Web Admin Himalayan Academy katir at
Fri Aug 6 18:27:16 EDT 2010

  Aloha, Al

Can you mount the other computer on the users's desktop? or a volume 
thereon? We are an all Mac shop...

I have created a simple revision control system here for our editors 
that is working quite well, for Indesign files. The core of it is simply 
running cmds like:

  put ("cp " & quote & tCurrentLocationPath & quote &" "& quote & 
tArchivePath & quote) into tShell
    get shell (tShell)

the core is just "cp... " for making copies and "mv...." for renaming in 
place or actually moving the file.

(I never use "rm" ever!   users must do their housekeeping manually so 
that there are no evil tragedies with a failed file delete handler that 
is ends up pointing to a whole folder or volume because a file var turns 
up empty.... )

  # update Control string and rename the top level file
    put gUser into char -7 to -6 of pFileName
    replace "-ci-" with "-co-" in pFileName
    put gServerProjectPath &"/"& pFileName into tNewNamePath
    put ("mv " & quote & tCurrentLocationPath & quote &" "& quote & 
tNewNamePath & quote) into tShell
    get shell (tShell) # moves the file
      put gLocalProjectPath &"/"& pFileName into tNewLocalPath
    put ("cp " & quote & tNewNamePath & quote &" "& quote & 
tNewLocalPath & quote) into tShell
    get shell (tShell)
    launch (tNewLocalPath) with the uInDesignPath of this stack

Where the paths to the other volumes look like

"/Volumes/OtherMachineServer/OnTheNetwork/Version Control/"

which is stored in a custom prop in the main stack.

The stack auto mounts the server volume on the user's desktop, and also 
checks the user;s ethernet or airport status to make sure he's really 
connected etc. but the core is cp and mv.

I'm not sure how you would point it to an IP.  But it is probably doable.


On 8/5/10 8:46 AM, Alejandro Tejada wrote:
> Hi all,
> How could i use Rev to copy a binary file between
> stacks opened in two different computers over a
> local area network?
> In this LAN, every computer reports at least
> two different IP directions:
> The first IP (reported by IPconfig) are in the
> range 192.168.1.[0-255].
> The second IP (visible from the web) are in
> the range from 201.229.179.[0-255]
> Every idea is welcome!
> Thanks in advance.
> Al

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