[revServer] process timeout issue

Jeff Massung massung at gmail.com
Wed Aug 4 00:14:57 EDT 2010

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 10:14 PM, Chipp Walters <chipp at chipp.com> wrote:

> Jeff,
> Honestly, how can you expect a company to fix a problem when they can't
> define the bug? Is that too much to ask for before you throw revServer
> under
> the bus?
I don't and yes, it is. I really don't mean to sound cold or callous.

What I choose do (as a non-hobby) is impacted in the tools I choose to use.
I use Mac over Windows for many similar reasons that are non-asthetic.
Should I sit around waiting for Microsoft to fix a problem that's holding me
up and be actively engaged with them to help fix the problem?

I suppose I could if I just really liked the tool and I had the time/money
to wait. But I don't, and my end goal is to grow _my_ business and make
money - not theirs. Of course, things are best when two people/companies can
mutually benefit each other, and to that end I would obviously take some
time/effort and do just that. But, when it's more advantageous for me to do
so, I will switch to using tools that helps to accomplish my goals without

I do not want to get into any discussions about what problem(s) I had with
On-Rev. I merely wanted to point out that - regarding server response times
and timeouts - I had a very similar issue to Jerry, which did cause me to
switch hosting companies. I'd rather not say any more beyond what I already
have about the issue.

Jeff M.

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