
Richmond Mathewson richmondmathewson at gmail.com
Fri Apr 30 04:50:12 EDT 2010

  Yes; it's that time of year again when Richmond starts burbling
on about potential pretenders to the RunRev crown . . .  :)

I have been following HyperNext for quite some time; and for
most of that time it has been crap. But there are the beginnings
of something stirring over there in County Durham:


The specific 'bits' that grabbed my attention were these:

"HyperNext V4 coming soon! "


"Coming soon - with many enhancements and versions for

Mac OS X - Intel native builds.
Windows 7.
Linux beta."

Now as this is, as far as I can tell, a one-man, kitchen-sink operation
(Um; how did RunRev start?) and Hypernext is, at present, FREE, the
developer is under no real need to keep punters happy, so, also
"coming soon" could be extremely subjective.  I have written to
the info address asking about time-frames.

The thing that interests me most is that there is a Linux version in the 

Now at a time when 'some' IDE development companies seem to be slacking
off on Linux development here's a person doing quite the opposite (of course
as s/he in non-commercial we cannot assume her/his motives are the same
as commericla operations); presumably this is not just for the fun of 
the thing;
after all porting all that stuff over from Mac and Win to Linux may not 
be all that easy.

This company needs watching as they may yet produce a viable competitor.

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