Specialfolderpath (26) and roaming

David Glasgow david at dvglasgow.wanadoo.co.uk
Mon Apr 19 09:03:48 EDT 2010

On 19 Apr 2010, at 1:30 pm, Jacqueline Landman Gay wrote:

> But it's inside your user folder. Pre-Vista, it points to the user data in application data, and Vista + it points to the user data in appdata/roaming. It's just a change in folder structure. Both places are the approved location for storing user-specific data.
>> As far as I can make out, if a user is logged into a server, this
>> directory is saved there, and will be accessible whatever machine is
>> subsequently used to log in.  I have to say I don't quite understand
>> how that would work in practice, because presumably each machine
>> could have a different variant of appdata/roaming......
> No, it should save to the local drive. SpecialFolderPath points to the local system.
>> Apart form not quite getting what is going on with the roaming thing,
>> my questions are:
>> 1/ Does Specialfolderpath (26) serve different purposes on other Win
>> versions?
> No. Same thing.
>> 2/ Does it matter that a standalone for a single user & non networked
>> computer is saving information in the ..../appdata/roaming directory?
> No. Both save to the local drive.
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at hyperactivesw.com
> HyperActive Software    

Thanks for that! 

How nice to get a 'nothing to worry about' reply.

David G

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