[ANN] [OT] First iPad app approved

Bill Vlahos bvlahos at mac.com
Sun Apr 18 17:48:53 EDT 2010


There is a discussion on this subject at

It would be worth chiming in on.

Bill Vlahos

On Apr 2, 2010, at 6:45 AM, Joe F. wrote:

> Congratulations Tom.
> Not just a frivolous piece of software fluff either; an excellent example of tech that gives something to the world.
> "Big Button Email" is a good idea too. That was my take on the iPad- a Mac for Granny.
> If I may suggest another product that fill your niche: a voice package for Rev.
> I was dismayed to find that the speech command yields passable results on Macs but sounds absolutely awful on Windows.
> Cheers,
> Joe F.
> On Apr 2, 2010, at 1:08 AM, Thomas McGrath III wrote:
>> This is mostly off topic but while I am waiting for revMobile to become a solid option I was able over the past three and a half weeks to design and build my first iPad application and was approved for inclusion in the grand opening of the iPad Store.
>> The app is a communication software with voice synthesis for people who can not speak. The field which I have been in for almost twenty years is AAC - Alternative Augmented Communication. Typically these systems cost in the thousands but with my new software "My Pad Speaks" and a $499 iPad a user can have a system for under $600 bucks. Now that is a great mix of technology and innovation. My application has space for up to 10,000 words in an easy to use and easy to learn interface. I have included themes of both backgrounds and buttons for end users to customize the system to their personality. This is a fun application with a serious side.
>> "My Pad Speaks" will be unveiled during the grand opening of the iPad store this saturday along with the delivery of the iPad simultaneously in 80 countries.
>> My new website (the old one died) is on my on-rev server and can be found at:  http://mypad.lazyriver.on-rev.com/
>> Except for the voice synthesis part this entire project could have been done in revMobile and would have been easier to do in a shorter period of time. I can't wait for revMobile.
>> Tom McGrath III
>> Lazy River Software
>> http://lazyriver.on-rev.com
>> 3mcgrath at comcast.net
>> DeMoted - Have you DeMoted Someone today?
>> http://demoted.lazyriver.on-rev.com
>> On the iTune App Store
>> http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/demoted/id355925236?mt=8
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