What does the 4.0 iPhone SDK mean for revMobile?

Colin Holgate coiin at verizon.net
Sun Apr 11 12:03:27 EDT 2010

On Apr 11, 2010, at 11:45 AM, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

> BUT; 'compatibility' is polysemantic: what is compatible with what Mr Jobs envisages for the iPhone/iPad may
> not encompass all the things that are otherwise compatible.

There's the basic problem, Steve's vision isn't compatible with our vision.

> I have a pupil (she is 10 years old) who is the proud owner of an iPhone (her Mum and Dad are bank
> managers), yet here Mum and Dad have not paid their school bills to me for the last 3 months
> (approx 25% the price of an iPhone). So, I have my own set of meanings for 'compatible' . . .  :)

Confiscate her iPhone. Sell it on eBay.

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