Creating files on on-rev

Sarah Reichelt sarah.reichelt at
Tue Apr 6 19:09:40 EDT 2010

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 11:18 PM, Kevin Stallibrass
<kevin at> wrote:
> On Kevin's on-rev how to videos, he uses
> put something after URL "file:log.txt"
> which is apparently meant to create a text file on the server. I've tried it
> but no such file appears anywhere.

It depends where the script is.
If this command is used from an irev file on the server, then it will
work fine as is.
If it is on your computer, then you need to use ftp commands and
supply a user name & password, e.g.

put something into URL ("ftp:" & username & ":" & password &

While this is a permissions problem, I would not recommend Björnke's
solution of just opening access to your folder.


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