StandAlone - where is the stack window?

Jim Bufalini jim at
Tue Sep 29 17:50:44 EDT 2009

Mike Arnold wrote:

> > on InitAll
> >    delete global gMailBoxCountA
> >    delete global gMailBoxTimeA
> >    delete global gMinTimeDiff
> >    delete global gTimeStamp
> >    set the twelveHourTime to false
> >    put "" into field "myFilterList"
> >    put "Filter Report Starting..."&&linefeed after last line of
> > field "myFilterList"
> > end InitAll
> So, I clicked and selected every include listed ... and still no joy.
> I have other stacks from the past that seem to work.  Note that I
> tried this with Studio 2.9.0 Build 610, and the standalone acts the
> same (i.e. no window).
> I really didn't do anything special to the environment (that I can
> recall doing :-)
> Note that I am running on a MacBookPro and have an external screen,
> wonder if that is making RR crazy?
> I know its something silly,
> Mike.

This has me puzzled because you say it runs in the IDE and there doesn't
seem to be almost any code. Anyone else with OSX 10.5.8 Intel with 4.0 dp-4
run into anything like this, or see something in what Mike has said that
maybe I have missed picking up on? I'd suggest you send me the stack
off-list, but I cannot test it on the same OS.

The only other thing I can suggest, Mike, is in your standalone settings,
make sure bug reporting is enabled by going to Bug Reports and checking the
boxes and see if you get a bug report. If no report, comment out your
commands and see if the stack shows. Or, create a new stack and copy your
code into it. Something very strange has to be happening or very obvious
that's being missed. ;-)

Aloha from Hawaii,

Jim Bufalini

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