Quicktime and the Snow Leopard
Bernard Devlin
bdrunrev at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 06:59:34 EDT 2009
I have to agree with François.
There is no way that RunRev on their own could produce a multimedia
tool to equal QT. We just have to hope that QT will be developed in
such a way that in the future it will still work with those tools that
edit QT movies. It's a poor show that Apple does not provide any idea
about where QT is going, 18 months after QT X was first announced to
developers. When this is seen along with the deprecation of past
development information, there is not much else than hope. It may be
that there will be a new set of cross-platform APIs, but there is no
sign of that.
Perhaps it is time that RunRev started to look at providing a Flash
player object. After all, there are open source actionscript
compilers, and quite a few open source development tools for Flash.
At least that would reduce the dependency on Quicktime alone.
2009/9/9 François Chaplais <francois.chaplais at mines-paristech.fr>:
> Le 9 sept. 09, à 11:28, Richmond Mathewson a écrit :
>> I believe it is in Runtime Revolution's interests to free themselves from
>> a
>> dependence
>> on Quicktime; preferably "rolling their own" stuff to handle multimedia:
> This is inconsistent. QTX is Apple rewriting as set of API for Quicktime;
> and, as for most software products, the first release is not fully
> satisfying.
> You expect runrev, whose core expertise, IMHO, is not video, to do a better
> job at it: starting from scratch to produce their own multimedia package.
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