Problems with libURLftpUploadFile

Jim Ault jimaultwins at
Wed Sep 9 06:18:58 EDT 2009

On Sep 9, 2009, at 3:01 AM, Kevin Stallibrass wrote:

> Hi all,
> Had no takers on this one so I thought I'd repost it....
> I have a problem where:
> Put fld "contains FTP path" into tURL
> libURLftpUploadFile  "c:/myfile.txt", tURL ,"showStatus"
> works fine but.
> Put fld "contains FTP path" into tURL
> Put "c:/myfile.txt" into tFilepath
> libURLftpUploadFile  tFilepath, tURL , "showStatus"
> Results in "c:/myfile.txt" instead of the correct data being written  
> into
> the uploaded text file
> The same happens if I use libURLftpUpload
> So, is it not possible to use 2 variables? Or am I missing something

My quick guess is that you are seeing the following...

libURLftpUploadFile  "c:/myfile.txt", tURL ,"showStatus"

sending a string to be used by libURLftpUploadFile

libURLftpUploadFile  tFilepath, tURL ,"showStatus"

allowing the function to 'evaluate' the string inside the variable
This probably results in either
    empty if the file 'myfile.txt' does not exist
   the contents of myfile.txt read from the hard drive
Try this variation
put "c:/" into tFilepath
put "myfile.txt" into tFilename
--now concatenate to form the param at the time of sending
libURLftpUploadFile ( tFilepath & tFilename), tURL ,"showStatus"

This is confusing, I know, but when working with interpretive  
languages, these nuances are part of the landscape.  They have their  
purpose since there are times when this is exactly what you want.   
Power programmers use this to their advantage when the literal path  
and filename is not known but discovered at runtime on different hard  

Hope this works for you.  Let us know.
If not I will do a little digging into the libURLftpUploadFile in the  
library to see how Rev uses the first param.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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