Another "How to do this in a Revlet?" thread

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Fri Oct 30 23:10:14 EDT 2009

Alejandro wrote:

> Actually, these are plain and simple vector graphics, organized
> like concentric rings that you could show and hide, depending
> of zoom level.

I figured they were vector, but the show/hide part I hadn't thought of. 
   Makes good sense, though, keeps the number of things on screen to a 

Nice idea, rather like the famous ZoomQuilt:

> This zoom slider is actually scaling all graphics from
> the center. Adobe Flash do not scale all vector graphics
> at the same time. This is an illusion. But a really fast one.
> I had published an stack that uses matrices to scale vector
> graphics. Scaling the points of vector graphics in a loop or
> driven by a scale slider should be no problem. ;-)

I wish I go see it, but when I click it I wind up here:


  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
  Ambassador at

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