Autocomplete field

Peter Brigham MD pmbrig at
Thu Oct 29 18:33:53 EDT 2009

On Oct 28, 2009, at 12:53 PM, capellan wrote:

> Hi all,
> Visit the webpage:
> and download the stack:
> I am looking for ideas to make better the code of
> these autocomplete fields.

I modified your code to include filtering the displayed list. Works  
like a charm, very elegant. Great timing, too, since your solution met  
a need I just discovered I had....
Note comments marked with  --##
(watch line wraps)

# match name as user types
on rawKeyDown pWhich
    if the commandKey is down then pass rawKeyDown
    # exclude any functions like copy, paste, etc.
    if pWhich <= 255 then # for anything that's in ascii range
       put the selectedChunk into tSelChunk
       if word 2 of tSelChunk <= word 4 of tSelChunk then
       # adding a char to the end of the entry buffer
          put sEntryBuffer & numToChar(pWhich) into sEntryBuffer
       else # inserting a char inside the entry buffer
          put numToChar(pWhich) after char word 4 of tSelChunk of  
          put sEntryBuffer into fld "enterPt"
       end if
       --##     I added the following two lines
       --##     pList is a global containing the full list of names
       put ptList into selectedPts
       filter selectedPts with sEntryBuffer & "*"
       --##     now selectedPts contains only those entries that match
       --##     this shortens & simplifies the display list
       put lineOffset(cr & sEntryBuffer, cr & selectedPts) into  
       if currentLine > 0 then
          put selectedPts into fld "pList"
          --##     instead of putting the whole list into the field
          set the hilitedLines of field "pList" to currentLine
          set the scroll of field "pList" to \
                 (currentLine - 1) * the effective textHeight of field  
          put the selectedText of fld "pList" into fld "enterPt"
          select char (word 2 of tSelChunk) + 1 to -1 of fld "enterPt"
          hide fld "pList"
          set the hilitedline of fld "pList" to 0
          put sEntryBuffer into fld "enterPt"
          select after char word 4 of tSelChunk + 1 of fld "enterPt"
       end if
    else # handle all other keys

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at

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