OT -- AppleScript Help

Sivakatirswami katir at hindu.org
Thu Oct 29 01:03:09 EDT 2009

More clues this afternoon:

I have  a stack that builds daily blog entries. I read and write from 
the server, and move a lot of files around... I have in one of my 
utilities stack a script that let's me pull photos from collections and 
move them into the folder where I build the blog content.

I use this:

global gCurrentFolder,gDestinationFolder, glastLine
on mouseUp
   revCopyFile  (gCurrentFolder& fld "currentImage"), (gDestinationFolder)
  -- put gCurrentFolder &cr &gDestinationFolder & cr &the result
   select line gLastline of fld "fileList"
   send postImage to fld "filelist"
end mouseUp

suddenly today I am getting "execution error" in the result.

revCopyfile I believe uses appleScript or AppleEvents under the hood... 
which make me suspicious because another routine I have uses rename:

  repeat for each line theFile in tFiles
       rename file  (TAKADirectory&theFile) to (gArchiveFolder& theFile)
          --put the result
    end REPEAT
    ## Move slideshows -- entire folders
    put the folders into tFolders
    repeat for each line theFolder in tFolders
        if char 1 to 2 of theFolder ="ss" then # it is a slide show
           rename folder (TAKADirectory&theFolder) to (gArchiveFolder& 
    end if

and this works perfectly well.

It's as if over night Applescript is no longer happy with some I/O 
routines...because both "open alias" and "revCopyFile" are now failing, 
together, "same time, same station."  and since I did nothing on my 
box.. I'm asking admin here if they did some kind of upgrade to the 
network or the server...

revCopyFile Sarah Reichelt wrote:
>> It does not affect anything: result is the same with or without "tell" on a
>> folder selection
>> alias "Varuna:Ekadanta Kulam:Database:EMBs:733:"
>> then an attempt
>> tell application "Finder"
>> �open alias "Varuna:Ekadanta Kulam:Database:EMBs:733:"
>> end tell
>> fails: result: "missing value"
> Does it work if you use a local folder?
> And what about a different folder on the shared volume?
> Can you try working down the file path, so try opening "Varuna:" and
> if that works then "Varuna:Ekadanta Kulam:" and so on....
> In Finder, if you use the Go menu to show Computer, do you see a hard
> drive called "Varuna" or is it anything different?
> Are there any accented characters in the folder path?
> Sorry, no solution, but maybe we can find some more clues.
> Cheers,
> Sarah
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