Sending keyDown
Richard Gaskin
ambassador at
Mon Oct 26 12:48:44 EDT 2009
DunbarX wrote:
> My original intent was to have the char written into the field, and then do
> stuff with the new text in the very same handler. The "send" command was at
> the very beginning. I could not "pass" keyDown as that terminates the
> handler. I had found several workarounds, and helpful others suggested even
> better ones.
One man's workaround is another's solution. :)
If you don't have a keyDown handler in the stack, sending it that
message by any means, whether "send" or "dispatch", isn't the solution
because there's nothing there to handle it.
If you want to put the incoming character after the field's text, you can:
put k after me
...and then proceed to do anything you like with it.
But the simplest with-the-grain solution may be Sarah's, where she
suggested using keyUp instead, a message I don't think HC offered.
With keyUp the character has already been put into the field, so you can
act on it without any additional processing to put it there. Let the
engine do the work where it can:
Know the engine.
Trust the engine.
Use the engine.
By taking advantage of the 40% or more new message Rev offers that HC
didn't, you'll discover a great many ways so solve problems that would
have required steps that might have seemed logical enough in HC but
which are arguably kinda odd (like sending messages to scripts with no
handler for them). If it seemed "intuitive" at one time that's only
because of habit after having learned it, not because much in any
programming language is literally intuitive. Computers are no more
intuitive than cars, which require months of learning to use safely.
The "unlearning curve" is sometimes steeper in Rev than its learning
curve, but thankfully the See Also entries in the Dictionary make
explorations there a valuable habit.
For example, I've been working with the engine since '97, but only
recently discovered the tempName function, having previous used my own
custom functions to make temp files.
This is a rich, deep jungle we're in, and like all jungles our old
compasses are rarely useful there, requiring us instead to pay closer
attention to the rivers and mountains, and keep our map (the Dictionary)
at our side. But like all jungles there's a rich abundance of life to
be found, and with a handful of skills you can live off the land in high
style, lending a whole new meaning to "going native". :)
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World
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