How to filter a big list

Mark Wieder mwieder at
Fri Oct 23 13:13:03 EDT 2009


Friday, October 23, 2009, 8:51:18 AM, you wrote:

> If some body in the list is looking for a file with names and address
> (400K lines), I create a file with french name, French, Spanish,  
> Italians, Portuguese first name and address of Geneva in Switzerland.
> It is possible to download here:

> In the state of my tests, here the my “fastest” code:

Since you seem to want to limit the display to 60 lines, here's a much
faster version. This takes roughly 90 milliseconds to do an entire
list, irrespective of the number of chars. Note as well that your text
file is actually delimited by commas rather than tabs.

-- time of the filtered list
on keyUp
    local vListe
    local tTime
    put the milliseconds into tTime
    put test1(vNoms) into vListe
    put the milliseconds - tTime into field "fElapsedTime"
    put vListe into field "fListe"
end keyUp

function test1 pNoms
    local vListe
    local x
    set the itemdelimiter to comma
    put empty into vListe
    put 1 into x
    repeat for each line theLine in pNoms
        if item 2 of theLine contains me then
            put theLine & cr after vListe
            add 1 to x
            if x > 60 then
                put "..." & cr after vListe
                exit repeat
            end if
        end if
    end repeat
    return vListe
end test1

-Mark Wieder
 mwieder at

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