[FR][EN]Re: [on-rev] uniEncode & outputting accentuated characters from an on-rev textFile

Dom mcdomi at free.fr
Mon Oct 12 15:41:25 EDT 2009

Robert Maniquant <rman at free.fr> wrote:

> Could somebody confirm what the state is regarding on-rev and accentuated non
> ascii characters that we use in french??? 

Héhé... jette donc un coup d'œil à mon message, intitulé :

"[revweb] Accented chars and file charset"

en bref, c'est bien de déclarer le _contenu_ du fichier html comme étant
codé en utf-8

mais il faut _aussi_ que le fichier soit en utf-8 !
or sur Mac, le fichier est créé comme "Mac OS Roman" (et fin de ligne

pour vérifier ce genre de truc, je me sers de l'excellent TextWrangler

tu dois voir en bas "Unicode (UTF-8, no BOM)"
et "Unix (LF)"


hey! take a look at my previous message, titled:

"[revweb] Accented chars and file charset"

briefly, it's good to declare the _content_ of a html file as "utf-8"

but, the file itself must also be saved as a utf-8 encoded file!
on a Mac, a file is created as a "Mac OS Roman" file (and with CR as
end-of-file marker)

to ensure myself that these conditions are observed, I rely on the
excellent TextWrangler (free)

at the bottom of the window, you have to read "Unicode (UTF-8, no BOM)"
and "Unix (LF)"

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