Stand alone builds and data grids

Alex Adams alex at
Mon Nov 30 19:30:51 EST 2009

I¹m moving this conversation from the forum to this, hopefully, wider

In my initial post I stated:

I am creating my first standalones for a project I have been working on for
almost a year. A fair amount of testing has been done in the development
environment, with no known faults, but this is the first attempt at
deployment for a wider beta audience.

The standalone versions on all platforms are quite funky.

I am working through things, one at a time.

Right now I working on the data grid problem. None of the dozen or so data
grids are working. At all. They don't resize, or get drawn with data or
respond to any mouse events, etc.

Is there a known fault I should be aware of?

Malte replied to this post with:

Do you have a splash screen that loads the other stacks of your project? If
so it is likely that the datagrid library did not get included. Make a
substack to your splash screen and call it "Data Grid Templates Dud". Save
your splash screen and build the executable. This will force to include and
start using the datagrid library.

I replied to that with:

I do have a splash stack. The openStack code looks like this (with the
exception of the Quartam Reports serial number.

on openStack
start using stack "libUUID"
start using stack "Data Grid Templates 1247708866452"

if "qrtReportsLib" is not among the lines of the stacksInUse then
start using stack "qrtReportsLib.rev"
qrtReports_InitLicense "################################"
end if
end openStack

It (rev) is already putting in the Data Grid Templates 1247708866542 stack.

I tried adding the dud sub stack that you suggested with no change.

Any more Ideas?

I¹m stuck here.  All help is appreciated.

Alex Adams

hawkVision ‹ tools for solving Wicked Problems

(a)2 Technology Partners, Inc.
alex at

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