Thomas McGrath III mcgrath3 at
Thu Nov 26 08:12:16 EST 2009


Hello, and thanks for posting this answer to your own question. :-)

I uploaded both files as required to my on-rev account at the root  
public level. I tried the Demo's in the rev file and get an error on  
the first and last Demo but not on the second one. The "Hello" example  
works where the others give an error......

Any ideas...

Tom McGrath III
Lazy River Software
3mcgrath at

iTunes Library Suite - libITS
Information and download can be found on this page:

On Nov 26, 2009, at 4:04 AM, David Beck wrote:

>  The CallPHP library is available at:
> I am happy to help with any question related to this library.
> All of these solutions at the root use the "post" rev command to  
> communicate with the remote server, so they are all blocking, but by  
> increasing the socketTimeoutInterval, it is possible to transfer  
> even very large amounts of data.
> Thanks very much to Mark and Bruce for sharing their solutions.
> David Beck
> Rotunda Software

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