How to transfer a UNIX executable through Rev

Thierry D. th.douez at
Wed Nov 25 07:21:47 EST 2009

Le 25 nov. 09 à 13:07, Richard Miller a écrit :

> Thierry,
> Could be. I'm not familiar with this.
> I'm trying this:
> get shell ("chmod + x MyExecutableFileName")

typo ?

Need to be +x , not + x !

> When I run this in the msg box, it returns "1". But I see no change  
> to the app. It still looks like a text document... not a Unix  
> Executable File

try get shell( "ls -l" ) then.

you should see in  something like this :

-rw-rw-r--   1 thierry  thierry   2979 Feb  5  2007 rev2perlInit.c
-rw-r--r--   1 thierry  thierry   2559 Mar 28  2007 ToCopyInStack.dat
-rwxrwxrwx   1 thierry  thierry   3797 Mar 28  2007
-rw-r--r--   1 thierry  thierry    577 Feb  2  2007 rev2perl.c

r: read
w: write
x: executable

1st 3 letters for user, next 3 for group, last 3 for others.

On my samples, you can see that can be executed by all,
but not the other files.


>>> Here's what I am doing. Not sure why this doesn't work.
>> Could it be that you only need to set the executable bit ?
>> chmod +x <your file>
>> HTH,
>> Thierry
>>> I want to transfer the UNIX executable portion of a Mac rev  
>>> application bundle via ftp. I take the file; compress it to a .gz  
>>> file; ftp it; then decompress it. The file size is identical upon  
>>> arrival, but it is no longer recognized as an executable... only  
>>> a text document.
>>> I am using "binfile" throughout (put the compress of url  
>>> "binfile:xxx" into url "binfile:xxx.gz"). What am I missing?  I  
>>> am transferring from a Mac server to a Mac computer.

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