Edit field weirdness

David Coker davidocoker at gmail.com
Mon Nov 23 08:28:52 EST 2009

>My first idea was that the autoHilite property of your fields might be  
>set to false ?
>but if your are able to place the cursor in any field ("to type into  
>or delete text from") then should not be that
>Not a great help ! Sorry
>Best regards from Grenoble

Hello André,
Thanks for giving it a shot.. much appreciated!

After doing some additional comparisons, it appears that there must be some sort of conflict between my edit fields and the datagrid control, which was the last object that I added to the card. One thing I noticed was in the non-working version is that the layering for all of the edit fields was changed -dramatically- after adding the datagrid.

Thankfully, other than losing the positional fine tuning that was done on all of the controls after adding the datagrid, I can revert to the archived version and try it again.

If there any other suggestions available from anyone, I'd still like to hear them. :)

Best regards,
David C.

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