Hot Tracking a text line in a field

tsj tsj at
Sun Nov 22 22:21:26 EST 2009

How about using 'the mouseline'

Word 2 of the mouseline will give you the relevant line number for your
field and as you're using a field with its dontWrap set to true you can just
trap this and do your underlining. Say for example the text you want to
highlight is the second 'column' in your field then you could do something
like - this is probably a bit simplistic but...

Local pLine

on mouseMove
    put word 2 of the mouseLine into tLine
    set the itemDel to tab
    if pLine > 0 then
        set the textStyle of item 2 of line pLine of me to plain
    end if
    put tLine into pLine
        set the textStyle of item 2 of line pLine of me to underline
    end if
end mouseMove



On 23/11/09 2:11 PM, "Mark Stuart" <mfstuart at> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Platform: WinXP
> RunRev: 4.0
> I've built a TreeView like field with parent nodes and indented child nodes.
> If you're familiar with Tree Views in Windows, you'll notice that as you
> mouse over a node in the tree, it underlines the text. And as you leave the
> node, it returns to plain formatting.
> I'd like to apply this behavior to my field.
> I've tried different mouse commands in the "on mouseMove" handler, but can't
> get the desired effect.
> How would I go about that?
> Regards,
> Mark Stuart
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