from integer to floating point

Jacques Hausser jacques.hausser at
Sat Nov 7 18:06:54 EST 2009

Can somebody help me ?

I just got something strange with 4-rc-1 and I would like

I have two successive handlers, shortened here, but the beginning is  

command changeClimat niveau
    lock screen
    set cursor to busy
    changeCouleur "Niveau1",niveau
    -- do something
end changeClimat

command changeCouleur lacarte,depart
    put depart * 4 + 1 into debut
    -- do something
end changeCouleur

well, "niveau" is an integer, say 1159
"depart" is also an integer, 1159 as you would expect
... but "debut" is 4638.568627 !!!! (instead of 4637)

The variable names are NOT used anywhere else in the stack. If I past  
and test these handlers in another stack, they work as expected, so it  
is probably due to something in this stack, but what ? I just started  
with it this evening and it contains practically nothing except one  
slider (calling changeclimat with its thumbposition) and six images.

Many thanks for any idea - I have none left...


Prof. Jacques Hausser
Department of Ecology and Evolution
Biophore / Sorge
University of Lausanne
CH 1015 Lausanne
please use my private address:
6 route de Burtigny
CH-1269 Bassins
tel/fax: 	++ 41 22 366 19 40
mobile:	++ 41 79 757 05 24
E-Mail:	jacques.hausser at

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